Tuesday 7 June 2016

Stupid, stupid Charles

Hey what’s up people!!!??!! This is dial 99.11 and you are listening to the radio…. No, okay it´s a joke, this is not a radio. You are not even listening to me so just forget about this. Sorry.

Well, I’m Charles and today I’m going to… start a game. About Minesweeper. Okay no. What I’m going to do is to talk about a feeling. We all remember things about the past. Sometimes we remember the past as something beautiful. Other times, we remember things that we did in the past, and the only thing that we want to do is to travel back in time, and to kill ourselves for the thing that we did. I want to talk about that feeling, that I call “stupid, stupid Charles”.

The most common stupid, stupid Charles´ feelings that I normally have, deals with homework. Even when I have one month to do my homework, I always do it in the last minute (literally), in that moment you always say: why didn't I do it before. And you would have that feeling that I am saying.

There is always some moment in everybody's life which somehow illustrates the feeling that I’m explaining. And it is our childhood. For example, I remember that I liked high school music (I was a very stupid child). Nowadays, if a man likes a film that is mostly produced for girls, his friends won't care (well maybe not, my friends are going to hit me when they discover the film that I liked XP). However when I was young (I’m saying as if I were an old man, but I’m just 16 years old) if your friends discover that you liked that film, you´d miss them.

I thought that to like that film was very normal, and I decided to confess it to one of my friends. I did it, but that day I had to suffer a lot of bullying. Stupid, stupid Charles.
Another similar feeling that I have, occurred some years ago. I had a friend in my neighbourhood, and there was a new guy in the neighbourhood. The new guy and my friend became friends, but I didn´t like the new guy. One day, a cold day, they were playing football in the street and I saw then. I was a little b****** and I told my friend to come to my house, but he couldn't bring the new guy. He accepted, and he told the new guy to wait some minutes there. My friend and I spent like one hour playing Call of Duty. When suddenly my mother arrived and she told us that the new guy was waiting outside (we forgot about him and he had been waiting for us for an hour, outside on a cold day) the funniest thing is that my friend decided to go outside, told him to go home, and we continued playing Call of Duty. The most ironical thing is that now, the guy that was waiting outside, is my one of my best friends, and the other guy is like nothing to me. Since that day, I stopped having prejudices.
QUESTION!!! Which is your stupid, stupid Charles moment?

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Friday 3 June 2016

Bullfighting, no longer an art form

One part of the Spanish population loves bullfighting. They enjoy seeing this “art”. They consider it as an essential part of their culture. They think Spain wouldn’t be anything without it; but, how can they love killing an animal?

Since the 18th century, Spain has taken the tradition of bullfighting. It was taken from the tradition of the cult and sacrifice to the bulls. However, Spanish people took it wrongly. They started enjoying it, when in the first place it was not for having fun. Therefore, they took this practise to different countries, spreading the torture.

Bulls have never been aggressive animals. They have been bred to form part of a show that may satisfy people’s thirst of entertainment. As with every single animal, if you don’t make them angry, they won’t face you; but we have modified them so much, that they don’t even need anger.

In every Spanish celebration, a bullfight is present. The government has to be aware of the cruelness of this feast. For example, in Medinaceli, Soria, the bull runs through the town with the horns burning. They have to forbid these practices in every territory. Fortunately, some areas have started prohibiting it, but it is not enough. It needs to be banned not only in some areas, but everywhere.

For all these reasons, we have to fight. We have to fight to make these awful traditions change. We have to show everyone who is in favour of killing this animal that it is unfair. We have to show them that if they want to continue with this “art”, the bull and bullfighter should be in the same conditions. We have to end with this “art”. We really need it, and we have to do it as quick as possible.

Tuesday 17 May 2016

Persecuting Marsupials

Marsupials are usually known because of their adorable and hugable faces, at least some of them. They are often found in Australia and the surrounding islands. However we can also see them in South America and in Madagascar. Marsupials are slightly weird mammals, you'll see.

There are many species in the marsupial family. I´m going to tell you about the types that exist in the place with most marsupials over the world, Australia, just for you to see that not only koalas and kangaroos live there. We can find four groups of marsupials. The first is the group of the kangaroos and its derivatives (Macropodidae), in second place is a kind of opossum group, although not similar to the ones in North America (Diprodontia). Thirdly the group that includes little insect eaters, the cool group (Dasyuridae) . And finally, to end with Australian marsupial groups, the last that includes the Bandictus (Paramelidae).

Now I´m going to tell you about my favorite marsupial, the koala, I know that the kangaroo is also great but koalas can sleep for 20 hours, who doesn't want to be a koala? The koala is a herbivore mammal from Australia. Koalas are also called Koala bear, but they have nothing in relation with bears, I don´t know if I have mention that they are marsupials. The koala is not a endangered specie although recently, the population has highly decreased. This is due to the destruction of their habitat, nothing new. The construction of roads and diseases are ending the lives of these furry sleepyheads.

Sunday 15 May 2016

Social Networks

Nowadays, people, mainly teenagers, use social networks for almost everything: to do homework, to buy things that aren’t available in their villages, to search for information about everything and for many more things. Actually, if the Internet wasn't available in our daily life it would be much harder to obtain what we wish or need.

We can download social networks in many “markets” like Google play or the app store. They are mainly known as apps. These apps could be free or paid, but the most apps are the free ones.

Some of the common apps in a teenager's mobile phone are:

INSTAGRAM: This app is mainly used to upload photos or videos with other people, mainly with your friends.
FACEBOOK: This one is one of the most used apps around the world. In this one you can upload photos, videos, gifs; and also you can interact with other people, write posts, tell the whole world your thoughts, etc.

TWITTER: Actually this app is like Facebook, but with a limitation in writing. You can only tell what you think in 140 characters and a maximum of 4 photos per tweet. This one is also one of the most used around the world, but with Facebook still being the first one.

PINTEREST: This app is less known by teenagers, but actually is one of my favorite social media apps. It consists of uploading photos that allows people to get inspiration from other ones and sharing more ideas. It has many categories like: art, DIY, science and nature, food, sports, etc.
 SNAPCHAT: This social media app is quite enjoyable. It allows uploading photos or videos with a limit of 10 seconds. These photos only last 24 hours, and you can also send them to your friends but no one could see them and will be deleted when they see them. It includes filters and some funny “faces”.

There are many more apps, very useful ones and also some of them very useless. The world is moved by social networks, it is a revolutionary movement that day by day is taking a giant step forward. Maybe in the near future we will be able to talk with our family or friends with our minds by just pushing a button. We will look forward to seeing that. 

I hope you enjoy it. Thanks for reading it!

Wednesday 4 May 2016


We hear everyday about pollution on TV, they say that we have very old cars, they say that they pollute a lot, they say we are responsible for global warming, they say bla, bla....

Now, we can check how responsible we are. If we look at the technical data of our car, we will see that it is under a legislation of contamination, probably Euro 3, Euro 4 or Euro 5. These are all different legislation done by the EU, which is against pollution and which require manufacturers to include in their cars a lot of things that lessen polluting. EGR, DPF and catalyst are the best-known ones. They “help” to pollute “less”, that is right. But how do all these affect the pollution of the world and “global warming”. Just 0,0000000001% Why? Simple, because cars are the ones which represent the smallest part of pollution around the world. And just an example, did you know that a single flight between Madrid and Berlin pollutes more than all the cars in Europe in a whole year? Why do we have to suffer all the problems these filters cause? For example, when DPF gets old, we usually have to get it cleaned, by 3 months and the price is €200 each time... And if we need to replace it, we will need €1000 or maybe more!! But, maybe the problem is not our car… Still, we have to suffer for it.

OK, OK, you will say, but on TV they are saying all the time that we are the most responsible for global warming. It is said in the news, it is also said by the government... And what is the government offering now? The “PIVE”. It is an economic assistance to buy new cars that pollute less. That is good, we will get our new car cheaper, and we give them our old car... False!! What they want is that we buy new cars to improve the economy and that we buy and buy, because they also get taxes from us!!!

Apart from all that we have seen, we also see advertisements, advertisements which say that all these new cars pollute less than the ones we own now, advertisements which offer hybrid cars, with very few electric range. Electric cars, which requires a new electrical installation in your garage, still need fuel to work, because they just have a 50 km range, or maybe 100 km. This is OK if we are driving through the city, because with 50 km it is enough, therefore, we don't pollute. But, is this real?? No, it isn't. Although Spain is one of the nations with more renewable energies working, most of our electricity comes from non-renewable resources, and the most important here are nuclear and thermal power. Is nuclear power clean? The one whose waste doesn't disappear for thousands of years, the one that was used for atomic bombs, the one that can potentially kill animals, people, the one which can cause damage to normal people??? Or maybe thermal power? Most of it comes from natural gas and... Gas-oil!! But, is it the same gas-oil that we put into our cars? No, it isn't, it is the worst gas-oil, the cheapest, the one with more waste!! And apart from being the worst gas-oil, does it have DPF, EGR or catalyst? No, it doesn't!!!

I think that it is time to open our eyes!! I think that it is time to think about we think!! I think it is time to research!! I think we can make this world better, but all together!!

Tuesday 26 April 2016

My inspiration

We are small, we are teenagers, we are over 15, 16 years and we love being inspired. Our inspiration comes from different places all over the world, but nowadays thanks to the Internet we don't need to move or to travel to go and check other customs, we can do it by the net.

Today I will tell you about one of my favourite online inspirations: Youtube.

This platform has been very 'in' these last few years, and it is great. Youtube provides a lot of information to thousands and thousands of people each day. It is very funny and interactive, and it is entertaining at the same time. That is why people love it. It is a great way to meet new people, to chat and argue a lot of times in the comments section, wherein a lot of times arguments can be found. Youtube is considered a job to a lot of people nowadays, being a 'vlogger' or 'youtuber' isn't that known but is being practised more and more.

Vlogging consists of carrying a camera with you everywhere and just recording what you do. Maybe it sounds stupid, but it is very funny and a good way of learning. Normally I watch videos of people who don't live in the same place as I do, that way I learn about other cities and about tourism without actually moving from my couch. Most of the important youtubers set themselves in LA, a city in which vlogging it is very common. A lot of important events take place there, such as Vidcon or Beautycon. If you like the idea of travelling and experiencing stuff without moving from your couch, check Youtube! 

I like this world and I enjoy it, what about you?

Tuesday 19 April 2016

Are You Superstitious?

Superstitious people believe that there are some situations in our lives that will led us to others in the future. Usually, the causative thing has nothing to do with its supposed consequence. This is because superstitions are based on the beliefs in supernatural coincidences.

There are several facts on the world that don’t have an explanation. When we humans can’t explain these facts through science, we invent something which seems to be coherent. In this way, we can understand the strange things that happen in our lives. This is why, throughout history, many people have believed in prophecies, witches, ghosts, spirits, etc.

Nowadays, people are less superstitious than before. However there is still a huge amount of people who believe in superstitions. Believing in them depends on cultures, the countries and the people. In spite of this, there are some beliefs that are commonly known throughout the world. Another thing is that people take them as real or not real.

I have a friend that takes superstitions as real. She tries to avoid doing something important on Friday 13th as this is a day that brings bad luck and misfortune. She doesn’t think that when she looks at herself in a mirror it takes her soul but if someday she breaks one, she would be afraid of be cursed for seven years. She has never opened an umbrella on a closed place because she doesn’t want bad luck raining on her. She has always tried not to look at black cats as it is said that they are bad witches. She gets in and out of bed by the same side, she has never slept in a table and she avoids walking under a ladder in order to avoid bad luck. 

Obviously, not everything brings bad luck. She told me that she wants to find a four-leaf clover because that would give her good luck and fortune. She has a horseshoe hanging in her bedroom as she thinks that it removes evil spirits and brings good luck too. When she wants something to happen, she crosses her fingers and wishes for it or she knocks on wood to make it real. She thinks that step on shit, wear new clothes on Easter, a lock of a baby’s first haircut or wearing her favourite dress brings her good luck. She also says that if your left palm itches, you will earn a lot of money. 
I don’t believe so much in superstitions as does my friend. However I have never liked to tempt fate. I think that they aren’t true but I don’t feel like saying that they are false. And you? Do you believe in superstitions? Or, do you think that they are completely false? Leave your comments below!